Take Anvanda as a Gym Bag to Your Workouts

Everybody loves a good workout, right? Well, maybe not everybody, but we know you will - with our fancy-ass Anvanda gym bag. What's that, you're asking? Well, it's simply our good, old Anvanda (V1 or V2) - it can serve as a great b*tchin' bag for carrying smelly workout clothes. We're giving up all the secrets in this text, so don't be lazy to keep reading.

Need a Gym Bag? Hun, It's Time to Ditch Those Boring-Ass Duffel Bags and Get the Real Thing

The debate on the best gym bags can be a very long one - it kinda depends on what you're looking for. But one thing's for sure - we know you don't wanna look boring. Like, who does? That's why your gym backpack shouldn't be one of those thousand-years-old-looking duffel bags - yikes. Unless you're a grandma who decided to work on some abs (in that case, respect), basic-ass gym bags are so over.

We're not sayin' you should order some custom gym bag with diamonds or something (unless you're Paris Hilton - in that case, it's on-brand) - you just need something refreshing and stylish. Lucky for you, this quest to find the best freaking bag to soak with sweaty clothes will be a short one - you've already found us and our fabulous bags, Anvanda V1 and V2.

Wanna Buy the Best B*tchin' Bag Ever? Anvanda, Here At Your Service

Anvanda is one unique-ass item that not everyone has - but they should. This fucking awesome bag can look amazing on everyone, and it will serve you better than any bag, purse, or backpack you've ever had. Yes, we are that confident in ourselves to write this - why don't you call our bluff and get yourself this great freakin' creation to see how fantastic it is?


Sports Bags Can Be Ugly AF - Which Is Why We Made Our Pretty Anvanda Suitable for the Gym

Who says you can't look stylish when you go for a workout? Honestly, we think you can look great wherever you go - our Anvanda can help you with that. Sports bags can often be… well, ugly as f*ck would be the only way to put it. That's why we've come to your rescue - if you decide to take Anvanda with you to the gym, you can be sure that all heads will turn for you even before you build all those muscles. Plus, did you know that we have this bag in way too many colors? Yeah, and we also added a few b*tchin' prints - give it a look, will you? But be warned - you might just fall in love.

Gray Anvanda bag on a white background

Yeah, This Beauty Has a Compartment or Two… It's Gonna Fit Every-F*cking-Thing You Can Think of

Think your smelly sneakers can't fit inside this bag? Well, think again - Anvanda has, like, a zillion compartments and enough space to host an office party inside. Pardon our French, but this is the real s*it. Whatever you want to carry in a backpack, this bag can fit it. A gallon of water and three pairs of shoes, why not? Anvanda is up for the challenge, b*tches.


Wanna Hear Something That Will Make Your Day? Our Great Fucking Bag Is STINK-PROOF

Great looks and all that aside, this backpack has something that no other has. In fact, we'd be ready to bet that you've never come across a b*tchin' bag that is literally stink-proof. No, friend, this isn't a drill or a weird marketing trick - we mean it. Our idea was that you could carry crap exactly like gym clothes, but also bring your work laptop and a few books without anything smelling unpleasant after you take it out of the bag. Now you can work out like crazy and then store the sweaty stuff safely in your Anvanda - all that thanks to our antibacterial silver lining. Aren't we geniuses or what?

Overall, This Bag's Features Are Gonna Blow Your Friggin' Mind - Here Are Some Specs You Should Know About

The stink-proof feature is hard to top, we know that. But being eternal optimists as we are, we're gonna try. There are a few other things worth hearing about - Anvanda is indeed a bag full of surprises. Metaphorically - hopefully, you know what you pack in your bag. Anyway, we're prepared one awesome feature that, again, no other backpack can offer you.

Have you ever heard of a backpack with a USB port? No? Now you have, buddy - sure enough, we added this to the already fabulous backpack and made it better than the best. You won't be needing that portable charger anymore - your bag can do the job. Isn't that awesome? It's surely good news for everyone who can't take their eyes off the screen - which is basically all of us, let's be honest. Also, we were smart to think of an RFID-protected pocket. Not to brag (that's a lie), but we're pretty proud of that one.


Even If You Don't Plan on Hitting the Gym Any Time Soon (We Don't Judge, Promise), You Need Anvanda, You Just Do

It would be a shame to limit such an awesome bag to just a few trips to the gym per week, right? Even all of us lazy a*ses can enjoy wearing Anvanda because this beauty is made for multiple occasions - like, literally any. You can take it anywhere and combine it with any outfit, and it's gonna fit. Puff, just like magic.


Don't Play Hard to Get - We Know You Want This Queen of All Bags, Hurry Up and Order Your Anvanda

Let's lose the pretense, alright? We know you like it - how can you resist such an outstanding bag? Whether you're a shopaholic or not, you know in your soul that this is something that has to find a place in your world. So, why not get it sooner rather than later? Head to our Kickstarter page and order your beautiful b*tchin' bag. We can't wait to see you walk it proudly on your way to the gym (or wherever)!

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