Why Should You Get Anvanda's RFID Wallets For Women?

The times are a-changin', ladies! We've tossed the use of cash out the window and embraced credit cards and online shopping right off the bat! But being cashless doesn't necessarily mean you are safe and sound, oh no. So whatcha need to secure your digital money? RFID wallets for women for sure, and perhaps laser beam eyes, 'cause you're never too safe.
Women's RFID wallet is a thing that will keep your funds safe, and laser beam eyes are for heatin' up your cup of coffee instantly, so you don't end someone's life for lack of caffeine in your body. Lasers are a safety thang, too, although it's to keep others safe. All jokes aside (although dropping the caffeine levels in your cells is no joke,) you can never be too safe nowadays. Those pickpockets have leveled up their game, and it's become a serious concern. It seems that skimming is very real, so they can simply pass by you and snatch the info off of your card.
But Our RFID Wallets for Women Are Not Only Sexy, They Will Protect Your Coin
Imagine being in a rock concert - you're enjoying the noise, singing the choruses, and considering hitting the lead singer's mic stand with your lacey bra. But bishes always have to multitask, and that's a fact. You know how we always have to think through how to wear a shoulder bag while we're in the crowds? We have to hug them or carry them in our hands, juggling all the other schite, like a phone, a nice cold can of beverage, and a glow stick. It's not because someone could steal our pads and tampons or relieve us of our favorite lip gloss. It's because skimming has become a f*cking nuisance, that's what it is.
But hey, there's no wallet, like our women's RFID credit card wallet. You can stick it in (wink wink 😉 ) carry in an Anvanda backpack, and you're free to rock out however the f*ck you want. Don't forget to COME to a gig, include lacey goodies in your bag, and aim for the center of the stage! We're sure Papa Emeritus IV would highly appreciate you being a bit on the wild side 😁
Women’s Blocking Has Leveled Up, With a Small Leather Pouch
Besides being very clever when accepting requests on various social media, you've probably mastered all levels of blocking and sending creeps on their way. Also, us bishes sure know how to repel unsolicited schlong pics - we've had years on FaceBook and Instagram to master that skill.
So what we're sayin' now is that you have a new skill to acquire (we just keep on leveling up until we hit Dark Phoenix's level of power,) and it's to learn how to battle against hackers who want to touch our funds. Is there a hacker repellent spray? Noooooo, Anvanda has prepared something classy and sassy and small, just for you. Our women's wallet with RFID protection not only keeps those hard-earned bucks in check, but it also fits into our best backpack for travel, so you can take it hiking, biking, and sightseeing.
Get Our Pretty Little RFID Blocking Wallet, Women's Edition, and the Hackers Can Fluff Off
But how can those nasty buggers just be sent on their way? Should you take our camouflage bag and the wallet and hit them in the head? Hackers are sneaky, and you probably won't feel a thing (well, that's definitely what she said) while being relieved of your funds from the bank account. So let us break down how the wallet works - it has an implemented cover that can limit scanning and keep you safe.
We Have the Coolest Best RFID Wallet, Women’s, but Our Bags Can F*ckin’ Deliver, Too!
A bish has got to work - you wanna pay your bills, you wanna pay rent, you wanna get Starbucks? You BETTER WORK, bish! Hey, hey, we feel your pain, but - you wanna buy groceries, you wanna feed your cats, you wanna watch Netflix? You BETTER WORK, bish! And if you have to commute a couple of hours a day, we just know how tough it can get. So besides giving you a beautiful wallet where you can place all your plastic money (and the guitar pick you snatched at that gig,) we've placed an RFID-protected pocket right into our bags! It is what makes them the best backpacks for work.
Wait Up, Let Us Tell You Even MOAR
What else is neat and perfect about our sexy bags? They have a laptop sleeve, a USB connection to charge all your electronic schite easily, and they look gorgeous on top of it. Take them and your leather RFID wallet, women's, all around the world if you want, and they won't disappoint - they are durable, pleasing to the eye, can carry all your schite and we've even included a ton of zippers so you can organize it like a boss.
If you've never washed a backpack, feel free to rub it (lol) with some mild soap and warm water for the best f*cking results. The straps are easily cleanable too, and they are made out of high-quality material so you won't sweat (unless you're in the gym, aight?). Anyways, when we're at the gym-related talk, we've added a little extra something where you can leave your sweaty gym pants and not ruin the other stuff in the bag. No, we're not saying women can smell, that is out of the question. We all know women don't even fart - they shoot glitter that sounds like the chuckle of a unicorn and smells like rainbows 🦄 But we've added an antibacterial silver lining, just in case.
Who Runs the World? Girls, Especially Those With an Anvanda Women's RFID Blocking Wallet and a Bag ;)
Hey, lovelies and future Anvandanites! If you think we've covered everything, from the RFID women's wallet to the bags, there's always something else up our sleeves, so let us introduce the new Anvanda bag that will make your heart flutter uncontrollably. The one thing that you have to figure out about Anvanda, a Great F*cking Bag, is - will you be satisfied with only one (okay, I'm rolling my eyes at what you've just thought about) and what color handbag goes with everything. But if you buy more than one, you'll be happier for sure! And while you're at it, show some love to our Kickstarter, too 💋
Kickstarter link - Använda V2 | Another Great F*cking Bag
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